Minggu, 29 Januari 2023

Make Survey Easily

Hello guys, this time we will learn about surveys

 1. Definition survey

primary data collection method by providing questions to individual respondents. So it can be concluded that the survey is a method for collecting information from groups that represent a population (a large number of respondents).

2. Survey purpose

 Presenting data from research objects

 Collecting data is simple.

 Explain or explain (study a phenomenon)

3. Survey example

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/601512093973153180/

This questionnaire contains the performance of management employees

4. Expressions and sentences

Used in survey


5. Type – type survey

Personal Survey. Survey conducted privately and not published.

Omnibus Survey. Several short surveys are combined into a questionnaire and generally carried out on a regular basis.

Advocacy Survey. Oversight to fight for a problem.

Internal Poll. Self-administered poll.

In-House Poll. Interviews were conducted at the respondent's house.

Quick Count. Information gathering activities regarding the election process and vote acquisition carried out by volunteers through direct observation at selected TPS.

Exit Polls. Supervision is carried out immediately after voters leave the polling place (TPS).

6.Doing Survey


From this figure it can be concluded that more people play games than those who do not play games 

This image contains games played by fillers

The picture contains what surveyers do when not playing games 

In this survey, many people play traditional games

 This Survey Contains Traditional Games Played by Surveyers

 The conclusions that can be drawn from the survey are. From a survey discussing how many people play games there, it explains that there are more people who play games than those who don't play games. The comparison is around 85% who play games and 15% who don't play games.
[The next survey discussed what games the surveyers played. Most of them play FF and ML games. but there are also those who answer not to play games
Furthermore, this survey contains reasons why surveyers do not play games. The average surveyers have the same answer, they don't play the game because they are bored.Apart from playing online games, do the surveyers also play traditional games? The surveyers answered that they also played traditional games (75%) but some did not play traditional games (15%). There are quite a variety of traditional games played by the surveyors, there is a traditional game from Indonesia called engklek,petak umpet,enggrang,congklak,gerobak sodor, etc.This indicates that Indonesian traditional games are still maintained today.

Azka Maulana A. (30/01/2023) 

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